Saturday, September 21
Bev Colomb

RETIRING mayor Cr Bev Colomb, above, said at the Tuesday 14 November special meeting that it had been “an honour to guide the council and to serve the peninsula as mayor”.

Cr Colomb – who received the Mayor Emeritus award for serving three terms – thanked the shire’s CEO Carl Cowie as well as volunteers, local government ministers and the community “for their support”.

(Mr Cowie was not present as he is overseas on a $30,000 study tour.)

“There have been many highlights throughout the year,” Cr Colomb said, citing the transition to LED street lighting, continuing work on Destination Rosebud, improvements to sporting venues across the shire and formulating the new council plan and health and wellbeing plan.

“In my role, I’ve taken up the principle of ‘listen, learn and lead’,” she said.

“I’ve really benefited from the fresh views and ways of looking at things with such a good mix of councillors from all walks of life.

“Councillors have all represented their wards well, and have also had a passion and focus on peninsula-wide issues. Through working together we have brought good practises to the table and I am looking forward to continuing to create the best mechanisms for us to do our full role as councillors.”

Cr Colomb thanked councillors for their good will. “We have set the tone together by wishing to set a standard our community can be proud of,” she said.

“I look forward to the next year working with my colleagues, officers and the community. After such a good year together I feel we are well placed to look after our residents and protect all that we love about our home.”

First published in the Southern Peninsula News – 21 November 2017


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