Saturday, September 21

A VERY important meeting of delegates to the Peninsula Football Association was held at Somerville last night.

All clubs were represented, except Naval Base. Mr H. J. McCulloch (Frankston) replaced Mr P. McArthur as President on the motion of Messrs Evans (Dromana) and Floyd (Hastings).

Messrs Morphett (Hastings) and Clylesdale (Dromana) secured Carrum’s disqualification from the Association by moving that the boundaries be those existing previous to Carrum’s entry.

The voting was equal, and on the casting vote of President McCulloch, Carrum were ousted.

It was a lively meeting, yet friendly, and the report in next issue will make interesting reading.

The meeting adjourned until Friday, April 7th.


A CRICKET match takes place at Frankston tomorrow between the local second eleven and Somerville.


CR. Geo May, who has been on the sick list, is now able to be about again.


MAJOR W. T. Conder has been appointed Governor of the Pentridge Gaol having been selected for the position from a large number of applicants.


THE Frankston branch of the Protestant Federation held a successful meeting at the Mechanics’ Institute last night, when Mrs Randall read an interesting and carefully prepared paper entitled, “The Ideal Branch.”

She was accorded a hearty vote of thanks on the motion of Mr J. McComb, seconded by Mrs Peebles, and supported by Miss Purves.

In reply Mrs Randall said she was very pleased to assist in any way possible.

The chair was occupied by Mr Hartland.


MR Morris Jacobs continues to make a good recovery from his recent severe illness, and is now able to resume the supervision of his business.


THE annual meeting of the Frankston branch of the Australian Women’s National League was held at the Frankston hall yesterday afternoon.

Miss Armstrong, from the central organisation, delivered an address to members dealing with the aims and objects of the League, in a highly interesting and informative manner.

The following office-bearers were elected for the ensuing year – President, Mrs James Lambie: vice-presidents. Mesdames Utber, Deane, H. McComb and Jacobs; treasurer, Mrs Pownall; secretary, Miss Little.

A strong committee was appointed.

The social hour proved thoroughly enjoyable, a feature of the afternoon’s entertainment being a pianoforte recital by Miss Oliver, who attended the function at great personal inconvenience, and gave her services gratuitously.

Songs were also rendered by Miss Christie, a talented visitor to the district.

Afternoon tea was provided.


A SALE of five valuable shop sites takes place at Carrum on Saturday, 8th April, at 3 o’clock.

The land is right opposite Carrum station, and adjoins Seacombe House.

Messrs. Robertson and Stephens are the local agents in conjunction with Messrs. Cranny, Sambell and Co., auctioneers, Melbourne.

Mr. W. S. Keast advertises five good orchard properties for sale.


MRS. J. Wadsworth, of Nolan Street, Frankston, announces that she is forming a class for lessons in oil-painting.

Intending pupils should communicate with her.


A MEETING of the Frankston Branch of the Alfred Hospital Auxiliary will be held on Thursday, 6th April, at 3pm.


MRS. Russell has arranged to have a stall at the Frankston market every Wednesday for the sale of pot plants, seedlings, and all, kinds of vegetable plants.


CR. C. Murray, having resigned his seat in the council as one of the representatives of the Centre Riding, an election will be held on the 20th April to fill the vacancy.

Candidates must nominate with the returning officer, Cr. J.C. K. McLean, before 6th April.


A PLAIN and fancy dress ball takes place at the Cambrian Tea Rooms, Mt. Eliza, on Friday, 7th April.


PARENTS desirous of entering their children at the Frankston High School are invited to communicate with members of the committee, or Cr. Mason, immediately.


IN the Frankston Church of England and Methodist Churches the night services next Sunday night and during the next six months will be held at 7 o’clock, instead of 7.30.


MESSRS. Brody and Farmer advertise for sale by public auction, for removal, a 6-roomed W.B. house, fencing and outbuildings.

This properly is situate at the Frankston railway station, and the sale, which takes place on 8th April, is being conducted on behalf of the Railway Commissioners.


MR. J. Nott Marsh advertises an important sale of freehold property at Frankston on Saturday, 15th April, in the estate of the late E. E. Wittakeer.

The sale takes place in Mason’s market rooms at 3.30 p.m.


VISITORS to the Frankston Mechanics’ Institute and Free Library are well pleased with the improved conditions that now prevail under the management of Mr. E. Barrett.

During the two or three weeks he has been in charge as acting secretary and librarian he has given constant attention to the duties connected with his office, with results very gratifying to the public.


MISS Elliott has kindly undertaken the task of again cataloging the books in the library, and now has the work well in hand.


THE monthly meeting of delegates from Progress Associations between Aspendale and Frankston was held at Carrum on Saturday night last.

The Railway Commissioners wrote, stating that while it was admitted that the second class accommodation on the early trains to the city on Monday morning was fully taxed, it was not possible to add further carriages; also stating that the proposal to sell tickets on both sides of the railway line could not be carried out owing to the expense.

It was resolved, on the motion of Messrs. Beardsworth and Wiltshire, that further representations be made to the Railway Commissioners on the matters referred to.

Cr Stephens reported that the Carrum Borough Council was approaching the Frankston and Hastings Council with a view to arranging a deputation to the Commissioners with the request that the suburban area be extended to Frankston.

It was resolved that the Combined Progress Committee take part in the deputation to the Commissioners, in conjunction with the Shire councils, and, if necessary, the secretary be instructed to call a special meeting of the executive the day of the deputation at the railway buildings to arrange a programme.


From the pages of the Frankston and Somerville Standard, 31 March 1922

First published in the Mornington News – 29 March 2022


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