A MEETING of the Frankston residents was held on 17th September, 1917, to decide upon a site on which to plant an honor avenue of trees, to commemorate the self–sacrifice and bravery of each true Frankstonite, who heard the call of his country in distress, and who hurried across the seas to stand in the ranks with the men of our dear Motherland, side by side with the just nations of the earth to stop the enemy in their dream of world supremacy.

After the most painstaking deliberation and exhaustive discussion of the suitability of the various roads leading into the town, it was decided that only the very best road was worthy of being honored by a memorial to our very best men.

The citizens who arrived at this most commendable decision were conscious that the selection of the best site meant the desecration of the resting place of many dead and dying native trees, the loss of the gnarled beauty of the shady ti-tree, the twittering of the early morning birds and the disturbance of the soft carpet of moss, bespangled with dew—all so dear to us in our idle moments of self indulgence.

But the same citizens were also conscious that but for the self–sacrifice of our noble boys the twittering of birds might even now give place to the shreiks of our loved ones, and the moss be bespattered with the blood of those who would vainly defend them.

As our heroes stand out distinct from the rest of us, so shall their respective trees stand out, erect in the sunlight, and dressed as on parade; and the tree selected is the best of our own dear eucalypts, whose beautiful and wonderful value, like our boys’ superb courage, is known throughout the world.


“THE pleasure of suffering for others” was practised by the children of the Frankston school during a self-denial week which ended on the 1st June.

The movement was initiated by the Education Department to raise funds for the Australian Red Cross. As the total of the little ones’ pennies for this school was £5 12 4½, a substantial sum should be contributed by the whole State to this most worthy object.


THE matron and staff of St Pancras private hospital, Frankston, are holding a Red Cross sale at the hospital on Wednesday next, June 12th, in aid of the Red Cross funds.

The sale will be opened at 2.30pm by Mrs Jas. Grice. Afternoon tea, for the modest sum of 3d, will be provided. Admission is 3d, and it is to be hoped all who can will attend, and help swell the funds.


SEE yourself as others see you. The Pageant of Loyalty picture (Frankston Procession) will be shown in the Frankston Mechanics’ Hall at 8pm sharp this evening.

Back seats are 2s. and there are a limited number of front forms at 1s. We advise readers to secure their seats early for a record house is expected.

The object is such a worthy one patrons will in a small way reciprocate the great support given to Frankston by the Langwarrin Military Band and Orchestra.


MR H. Shepherd and family desire to thank their many friends for their expressions of sympathy, floral tributes, etc. in their recent bereavement, especially the Rev. Rymer, Dr Atkinson, and Nurse McCoy.


UNTIL recently the Frankston “Wattle Club” has been greatly hampered in its work of entertaining our wounded soldiers owing to lack of tables.

Thanks to Mr Chas A. Tait of Frankston the table problem has now been solved.

Mr Tait went personally to several timber merchants in Melbourne and pointed out to them the good work the “Wattle Club” is doing, and their urgent need for assistance towards obtaining tables.

In consequence of Mr Tait’s representation two firms, (Messrs Beauchamp and Anthony) rose to the occasion and supplied Mr Tait with sufficient timber to make the tables required.

Mr Tait had the timber sent to Langwarrin Camp where, owing to the courtesy of Major Conder and his staff the timber was speedily converted into serviceable tables and delivered free of cost at the Frankston Mechanics’ Hall on Saturday morning last.

Within a very few minutes of their arrival the new tables were loaded with all kinds of eatables, in readiness for 250 wounded soldiers who arrived that day and were entertained by the “Wattle Club”.


A PRELIMINARY meeting of share- holders of the Somerville Co-operative Cool Stores Society Limited will be held at the hall, on Monday, 17th June, at 8pm.

The business will be to authorise the registration of the society; to elect members of the committee; to adopt rules of the society, and to transact any other business that may arise.


AN enjoyable dance was held to

the Frankston Mechanics’ on Saturday evening last, under the auspices of the “Wattle” Club.

There was a good attendance, and the music supplied by Mr Meeking left nothing to be desired. Mr E. C. Ryan acted as M. C. in an efficient manner. ration on this occasion.


A NUMBER of returned wounded soldiers were entertained by members of the “Wattle” Club on Saturday last.

The hall was nicely decorated, and a liberal display of bunting was made in the streets and in front of the hall.

A large number of residents assembled to greet the soldiers and a series of pictures were taken by a cinematograph operator while the cars were arriving, and afterwards in the hall.

A very liberal supply of eatables was provided, to which the visitors did full justice.

Hearty cheers were given for the Wattle Club, the Volunteer motor corps, and for the soldiers.

Songs rendered by Miss Cole and Mrs Aitken were greatly appreciated.


THE friends of Mr J. Peebles, of Frankston, will be pleased to hear that he is recovering from his rather serious indisposition.

We trust he will have a speedy and complete restoration to health.


THE local branch of the Red Cross Society will hold their annual meeting in the Tyabb Hall on Wednesday evening, 12th, June.

The secretary (Mrs Mair) will submit the balance sheet and report, showing a detailed account of the huge amount of work that has been turned out by the ladies and the way the subscribers’ money is spent.

The committee desire a large attendance of the public who we trust will give their support by turning up and encouraging the workers in their strenuous efforts.

The election of officials will also take place.

At the meeting held last Saturday it was decided to hold the next social on Friday, 28th inst.


MR B R. King, nurseryman of the district, has enlisted for active service abroad, and will go into camp shortly.


From the pages of the Mornington Standard, 8 June 1918

As published in the Mornington News – 5 June 2018


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