A MEETING of the Frankston Progress Association was held on the 2nd May when the following gentlemen were present: Messrs Jolly (president) Brody, F. Wells, Jacobs, P. Wells, McMurtrie, Wood, Lawrey, Jennings, Hyndes, W. W. Young and Mrs Burton.

The secretary reported; that the Hallam-Berwick drainage scheme was in abeyance pending the completion of certain other water works; that the petition re Kananook creek was being well-signed at the various busness places; that the Health Officer had asked to be supplied with a specific case of sickness caused by the Kananook creek; that the Railway Commissioners said no alteration could be made in the train service till the time to revise the time tables arrived; and that the Shire Council had improved the portion of Williams Road, as requested.

The Hon. Secretary tendered his resignation, and pointed out that he had accepted the position, conditionally on being relieved, by Mr Russell, in December. That gentleman had, in the meantime, left the district.

In spite of all protests, the meeting refused to accept Mr Jeinnngs’ resignation.

Mr J. B. Jolly stated that his time was now so limited, and his absences from Frankston so frequent, that he thought a purely local man could do more justice to the position of President. 

In tendering his resignation he thanked members for the loyal support they had given him and hoped the Association would develop into a valuable asset to the district.

The meeting, however, was in an autocratic mood and refused to accept his resignation.

It was decided to donate a one guinea trophy to the Peace Celebrations Committee, and the sum of one guinea to the Anzac Memorial Hall appeal.

Mr Jolly, on behalf of the Peninsula Motor Garage Pty Ltd., offered the use of a motor car, to be decorated for the Pageant. The offer was thankfully accepted.

On the motion of Mr Frank Wells, it was decided to hold a working bee to clear up the undergrowth and ti-tree in the cricket ground, on Saturday, the 10th May (to-day) at one o’clock. All are requested to bring mattocks and axes. Mr Frank Wells was appointed captain-in-charge.

The resulting bushwood will be used for a Peace bonfire. 

Mrs Burton generously promised to give the workers afternoon tea.

Before the meeting closed, the President said “As Mr Young, senr, is present, I desire to congratulate him upon the success that has attended the joint efforts of himself and his able son, in making the ‘Standard’ one of the best country papers. 

It is a credit to Frankston, and is rapidly developing into a most valuable asset of the Mornington Peninsula”.

He moved that this appreciation be recorded on the minutes.

Mrs Burton, in seconding, said the “Standard” certainly, was a fine production.

Mr Brody, in supporting, said Frankston was fortunate in having a journal which so ably furthered the interests of the district.

Mr Jennings, in further support, said that while his sons were away battling at the front, Mr Young and his daughters carried a heavy burden, and he well deserved the rest that came when his eldest son took the editorial chair. 

A town is largely judged by its paper, and the paper can make the district. 

The whole Peninsula should unite, in every way, in backing up an Editor who is such a valuable acquisition in our midst.

Mr W. W. Young responded on behalf of the “Standard”.


FOR SALE – 12 acres 2 roods 20 perches, 4–roomed House, 5–acre orchard balance cultivated, on cemetery road, Hastings, Price, £365. W. H. Steer, Tyabb.


A GENERAL meeting of the Somerville Fruitgrowers Association will be held on Monday next, April 12th at 8pm in the local hall.


A MEETING of lady members of the Frankston “Welcome Home” Committee will be held on Wednesday 14th inst. (see advt.)


WORD has been received that Sapper L. L. Hearps is returning by the “Wandilla” which is due to arrive in Melbourne about the 12th May.


HELD Over: Mr Murphy’s reply to Messrs Johnson and Thompson was received too late for publication this week, but will appear next issue.

Major Conder’s letter of thanks to the Red Cross, Frankston, the visit of soldiers to Somerville last Saturday, and other items of interest have also been crowded out. 

Contributors would oblige by sending in “copy” early in the week.


WE are pleased to report that the Frankston Brass Band met for practice last Wednesday evening. 

There was a good muster of players and everything points to the Band being successfully re-established

Mr. C. Willox will be pleased to afford particulars to any one interested in the movement.


At the Dromana Police Court on Thursday the police proceeded against a man named Hans Carbukn for driving on the wrong side of the road and not allowing room for a vehicle to pass. 

Defendant was fined 20s with 29s costs. 

This charge arose out of an accident which occurred to Mr Goulding’s car some weeks ago.


THE ladies of the Frankston Wattle Club entertained a large party of invalid soldiers on Sunday last. 

After a good lunch a programme of music was carried out.

The remainder of the afternoon, until tea time, was spent “each in their own way”.

 The men say – “The outing was one of the best; it is useless to offer comment on an outing to Frankston; it is ‘painting the lily’ or gilding refined gold”.


IN another column Mr W. P. Francis announces that he is a candidate for the South Eastern Province in the forthcoming Legislative Council election.


HEARD in the Train

That there was a splendid attendance at the meeting of the Frankston Progress Association on Friday evening last, considering that the “Welcome Home” social to soldiers was the same evening.

That on the representation of the valued secretary of the association and other members, the president (Mr J B.Jolly) has undertaken to interview Mr H. Masterton, who has a great influence in Melbourne shipping circles, and ascertain if it be possible to have a Bay excursion steamer call regularly at Frankston.

That the road leading to “Beachleigh “and “Rubra” Frankston, is very dangerous especially the turning to “Rubra” at the corner of Mrs Foster’s property.

That while “Ole Bill” (of Better Ole fame) is enjoying well earned repose, his friend Cupie indulges in terpsichorean revels even as late (or early) as Cock Crow. We are assured that this is “dinkum ile”.

That Seaford intends playing a big part in the peace pageant at Frankston.


FROM the pages of the Mornington Standard, 10 May 1919

First published in the Mornington News – 7 May 2019


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