COMMUNITY groups and sporting clubs are being offered grants to buy such things as bottles and crockery to lessen their dependence on single-use plastics.

Up to $50,000 will be distributed in $1000 to $5000 grants by Mornington Peninsula Shire to organisation’s based in buildings or spaces.

“Single-use plastics are a massive problem globally and right here on the peninsula. Plastic litter doesn’t belong on our beaches, in our bays or creeks, yet we see it everywhere we go,” the mayor Cr Despi O’Connor said.

“As a coastal community, the protection of our bays, creeks and ocean is integral to ensuring our wildlife thrive and supporting the health and wellbeing of our residents and visitors.”

Cr O’Connor said single-use plastic items were often used “out of habit”.

“As an organisation, [the shire is] phasing out the use of single-use plastics in our offices, halls, sporting facilities, events and on shire managed land,” she said. “And now we’re helping community groups and sporting clubs phase out their use of plastics with our innovative single-use plastics grant.”

Cr O’Connor said the shire had committed to sending no waste to landfill by 2030.

“Part of this vision is to phase out problematic single-use plastics. By working together, we can make a huge impact on the consumption of single-use plastics. Every action counts.

“Elimination doesn’t have to be hard. Start small and work your way through the list in our handy guide to help make plastic free choices, one type of plastic at a time.”

Alternatives to single-use plastics included bamboo cutlery, reusable coffee cups and drink bottles, paper straws and bring-your-own takeaway containers.

Applications for the grants open 19 April and close 25 June. Details:

First published in the Southern Peninsula News – 13 April 2021


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