SOME welcome relief from last week’s mounting numbers of COVID-19 cases was provided on social media by Mornington Peninsula Shire Council.

Deviating from the roads, rates and rubbish topics, the shire was confronted by mixed reactions after it entered the realm of sexual relations on its Facebook page. The shire said its promotion of Sexual and Reproductive Health Week had “reached” just under 17,000 people, making it the second “top performing” post.

The mayor Cr Despi O’Connor said the shire was committed to gender equality and women’s health.

“Open and honest discussions about sexual health, consent and respectful relationships are a vital component in preventing violence against women,” she said.

The shire’s Facebook post included a graphic stating “Know your rights and pleasure. We support your right to good sexual and reproductive health”.  

A quick scan of some of the comments showed more positive than negative reactions, although some were more about the council’s performance (on the ground) than the message about healthy sexual relationships.

Cr O’Connor was “delighted” the shire had been able to I’m delighted “reach so many people with such a positive message”.

She said the shire had partnered with Women’s Health in the South East (WHISE) in promoting Sexual and Reproductive Health Week. The campaign was aligned with the state government’s health and wellbeing plan “which prioritises improved sexual and reproductive health”.

“Many of the topics raised in this campaign are also supported by our own health and wellbeing plan for the community.”

Cr O’Connor said the shire used an automatic moderator on Facebook “which looks for particular keywords to filter where appropriate. Rarely will we hide or delete comments”.

Comments included the humorous: Instead of tip vouchers next year we will get a voucher to sexyland; Do you have any links that you would recommend that people could watch in their quest for self-pleasure; …it’s six months to April Fool’s Day; This is refreshing and funny, love seeing the prudes react; Umm, when did the shire become so awesome; Gosh, I was just inquiring about my rates, didn’t know they offered this advice as well; This has certainly made my morning, more entertaining than COVID numbers and Dan telling us off. Brilliant; This is so damn cool. I’m so happy and proud to live here. I’m a sex positive intimacy and relationship coach and I love this post; this is so needed. Well done; This is bringing a pleasurable smile to my dial; So happy to live in this shire; I for one think this is great and am certain there are countless women out there in the shire on Facebook that needed to hear this; I couldn’t be more happier that I work for this organisation; and, Thank you, brightened our night.

The not so complimentary: First you want to remove the Lord’s Prayer now this. I am seriously wondering how you woke councillors got elected; This council is getting creepier by the day. What are they up to behind closed doors?; You lefties love to go to your marketing dept and come up with some buzz sayings. I’ve noticed recently that different people (women) referring to council had a mandate to put this dribble out; Is this really council business; Stop MPS this is not really in your lane; What on earth has this got to do with the shire who should be focussing on providing services to ratepayers?; No wonder local communities have a lack of services. Was shocked to see this promoted by local council.

And the befuddled: What’s going on here? Has this page been hacked?; Love seems to be missing … that’s the key ingredient, surely?

First published in the Mornington News – 5 October 2021


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