MEMBERS of the Liberal Democrats and anti-vaccine mandate group “freedom fighters” were waving placards on the Peninsula Link’s Golf Links’ Road overpass at Baxter on Friday in what they called a fight for “choice”.

It is unclear whether the group got the attention its members had hoped for, but they held their placards to catch the eyes of passing Melbourne-bound drivers.

Meanwhile, vehicles left from the BP service station at Baxter to join the Convoy to Canberra, also opposing mandated vaccines. Organisers had claimed 300 vehicles would be in the convoy, but the actual number could be counted on two hands with some fingers to spare.

The group’s Facebook post said it wanted to provide support and exposure for the Liberal Democrats, a political party that believes vaccinations should be voluntary.

None of the convoy drivers or placard holders wanted their names mentioned in The News.

First published in the Southern Peninsula News – 15 February 2022


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