WORK has started on a $4.5 million camp ground at Point Nepean National Park on the lawn outside the historic Quarantine Station and will be designed for people new to camping.

The camp ground will include pre-pitched tents on platforms, with facilities including a camp kitchen and toilets to be provided in existing Quarantine Station buildings.

Parks Victoria is also seeking tenders for a project to provide visitors with “stories of the park”.

One option being considered is for interpretive trails and audio and video installations at park buildings to explain its “living” Aboriginal culture and natural, military and quarantine histories.

The campground and the storytelling projects are part of the 2018 Point Nepean master plan, designed “to protect and celebrate the park’s special natural and cultural values”.

Completed parts of the  master plan include making Defence Road safer and bicycle access and new visitor facilities in the Quarantine Station precinct including seating, picnic and barbecues, shelters and drinking water fountains.

Works on the camp ground are expected to be completed by the middle of the year.


First published in the Southern Peninsula News – 15 March 2022


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