Browsing: capel sound

MISSING dogs are not an unusual occurrence on the Mornington Peninsula, as any look at local social media attests to. But some pull at the heart strings more than others.The case of lost dog Fifi has another layer of sadness, with the pooches’ owner Nicole Kenyon finding out about the dog’s escape on 14 June, when she was stuck in hospital for several weeks and helplessly unable to do anything. Kenyon had placed her beloved Maltese x Shitzu dog in the hands of a dog minder, but as often happens when dogs miss their human, the 11-year-old pet escaped an…

MEMBERS of the Capel Sound community say they are fed up with being ignored by Mornington Peninsula Shire Council. Community lobbyists are calling for more financial input into the Capel Sound “village” shopping area, amid claims that years of “neglect” have left the main shopping area in desperate need of a revival.The shopping area on Point Nepean Road has one of the most enviable locations on the peninsula, opposite the unspoilt foreshore and mid-way between Mornington and Portsea. But traders and residents say it doesn’t get the recognition or financial backing it deserves.Proud resident and community activist Terry Wright, who…

POLICE have warned against vigilante-style retribution despite reports of increasing crime on the southern Mornington Peninsula.Residents fed up with the crime rate around the foreshore areas of Rosebud, Capel Sound and Tootgarook are calling for neighbourhood patrols. Reports from the community are coming in daily to The News and social media about thefts from cars, backyards and homes in the Rosebud, Tootgarook areas, with some posts showing video-evidence of the perpetrators. Several Facebook post are calling for community policing support.Security footage of a burglary in early April at Rosebud Bazaar captures an allegedly known offender in the store after hours,…

IT may be a narrow section of remnant bushland with many open spaces squeezed between a busy highway and the sea, but the Capel Sound foreshore reserve is home to a wide variety of birds, reptiles and animals. Among the 83 species identified in a year long study of the foreshore reserves, are four introduced animals and four introduced birds. The fauna survey conducted for Capel Sound Foreshores management committee by Mal’s Ecological and Environmental Services has found the four kilometres of reserves are worthy of being recognised as having state and regional significance. The survey listed three species of…