Browsing: support

THE reality of life for people doing it tough can be unseen and unimaginable to those in warm homes and with food in the fridge.Georgia Hourn, CEO at Western Port Community Support ‐ the largest provider of emergency relief in the Western Port region ‐ said the centre was seeing a massive increase in people needing support. “We have just witnessed the worst six months on record in terms of demand in our agency’s 43-year history and we don’t expect things to improve any time soon,” she said. “But as an agency we are a strong team of five paid…

A NEW housing and support charity will set up on the Mornington Peninsula to cater for the increasing number of women needing support. Women’s Community Shelters, a Sydney-based organisation, will hold forum in May to discuss establishing a steering committee on the peninsula.Hastings housing advocate Karen Taylor said the peninsula was “in a big mess” when it came to housing, particularly for women. “With respect to the housing shortage, and with single women over the age of 55 being the fastest growing cohort for homelessness, initiatives like the WCS become increasingly important,” she said. Taylor said women were often the…