NOMINATIONS are open for next year’s Mornington Peninsula citizen and young citizen of the year and the year’s best community event.
“Right across the shire, we have so many ordinary people doing extraordinary things. These awards help to make sure these individuals are rewarded for their generosity, selflessness and community spirit,” the mayor Cr Bev Colomb said.
“If you know a friend, family member, school mate, community leader or any person or community event that helps make our community a better place to live, help us to recognise their efforts by nominating them for an award! Nominating is easy and is a great way of letting them know that their work is appreciated.”
Awards last year went to road safety advocate and paramedic citizen of the year Tim Nolan, young citizen Sarah Berry for collecting books for Cambodian orphanages, and Mornington Yacht Club’s International Optimist Australian and Open Championships for the community event of the year.
Nominations for the 2016 awards close 13 November and winners will be announced at the Australia Day citizenship ceremony 26 January 2016.
For information and nomination forms go to www.mornpen.vic.gov.au or call Christine Aslanidis on 5950 1137, email christine.aslanidis@mornpen.vic.gov.au