IT’S food, glorious food as the judging of finalists in Mornington Peninsula Shire’s food awards program Best Bites starts.
The category for best school and childcare centre canteen is popular with all canteens on the peninsula entering.
The shire started Best Bites in 2011. The program assesses peninsula food businesses for aspects such as providing safe and healthy food, environmentally sustainable business practices, nutrition and allergen awareness, waste and recycling, energy and water efficiency, tobacco and alcohol compliance, and access for all.
The shire has enlisted the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation to help judge canteen finalists. Foundation CEO Ange Barry and public relations officer Stacey Allen visited two finalist last fortnight – St Joseph’s Primary School in Crib Point and Balnarring Early Learning Centre – to assess their kitchen gardens and sustainable food practices.
Ms Barry said Best Bites “encourages schools, learning centres and businesses to introduce sustainable food programs such as kitchen gardens”.
“We see important links with the work of the foundation, which is bringing pleasurable food education to schools and learning centres across Australia.”
Best Bites winners will be announced at Hastings Hub, 1973 Frankston-Flinders Rd, 3-5pm on Wednesday 2 December.
The 2015 Best Bites Food Guide will be launched. It will contain more than 400 peninsula food businesses with safe, healthy and sustainable practices.
Earlier in the day will be an information session for food business owners and managers covering topics such as food safety, allergen awareness and access. It starts at 9.15am. Entry is free of charge for peninsula businesses. Places are limited. RSVP to shire environmental health officer Peter O’Brien by tomorrow (Wednesday) on 5950 1865 or email obripm@mornpen.vic.gov.au
Details are on the shire’s website: www.mornpen.vic.gov.au