KAREN Langdon made the most of a supply of cloth left over from the temporary closure of Boomerang Bags’ Rye branch to make face masks for the homeless.
The Rye resident last week presented up to 60 masks to Vinnies’ Kitchen in the band hall, Point Nepean Road, Rosebud.
“We can’t deliver the Boomerang Bags because of COVID-19 but we are still happy to help,” Ms Langdon said.
“Everyone is looking for masks; it’s a huge problem for the volunteers and the homeless at the kitchen.”
Ms Langdon made three designs to Department of Health and Human Services’ standards: one for the average-size face, another for a man with a beard and another for women’s faces.
They come in blues, checks and “pink for the ladies”.
“As long as I can get the right fabric, such as pillow cases or doona covers, I’ll keep making them,” she said.
President of Vinnies’ Kitchen Andre Linnell praised Ms Langdon’s generosity.
The masks will go to volunteers and clients of the kitchen which feeds a three-course meal to an average of 28 people each day.
“It’s always a tough call to say how many meals to prepare because we never know exactly how many people will turn up,” Mr Linnell said. “One night we had 68, which really put the pressure on us.”
Lunches – which these days are takeaway – are served 11.30am-12.30pm Wednesdays and Fridays, 12.30-1.30pm Sundays and dinners 5-6pm Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Lunches will also be served on the first Saturday of the month from this week.
First published in the Southern Peninsula News – 6 October 2020