AT Friday’s Council meeting the Health Committee reported that after full investigation it recommended that the “Fecto” system of sanitation be adopted, together with the Carrum by-law relating to same.
Cr. Mason said the Council intended doing all possible to safeguard the health of the people. It was proposed that an order be given for 700 “Fecto” appliances. The total number of premises to be served would be about 800.
Some owners already had various systems installed. These would not be interfered with, provided they were satisfactory.
Cr. McCulloch objected to the Council being tied down to one system.
Cr. McLean: If we don’t decide on one particular system we will get boxed up. As a Council we should recommend one system.
Cr. Armstrong agreed with Cr. McLean. The merits of “Fecto” had been abundantly proved.
Cr. Oates supported Cr. McCulloch. “Fecto” was a fluid, and he considered that provision should be made for the powder system, which was much cheaper.
Cr, Mason moved, and Cr, Gray seconded, that the report of the committee be adopted.
An amendment by Crs. McCulloch and Oates was to the effect that the report be referred back to the committee.
Cr. Gray. We have heard all about the other machine, and I will stand or fall by my convictions.
Crs. McCulloch and Oates put up a strenuous fight in favour of the amendment, which was lost.
Cr. Oates called for a division, which resulted as follows: For the Amendment: Crs. Oates, McCulloch, Longmuir, and Hutchinson. Against the Amendment the President and Crs. Alden, Mason, Gray, May, Bradbury, Wells, McLean and Armstrong.
The motion was then put and carried.
Authority was given the “Fecto” Manufacturing Company to proceed with the installation at once, so as to have the system in working order before Christmas.
MRS. R. Morgan announces through our advertising columns that in her beautifully cool tea rooms, in Young Street (opposite Station), she is catering for the summer trade, with all kinds of high class confectionery, ice cream, (special flavour), and a large assortment of soothing soft drinks, right off the ice.
YESTERDAY the work of installing the electric light at Frankston Railway Station, subway, and approaches was commenced.
It is anticipated that the installation will be completed well before the Christmas holidays. This will prove a boon not only to residents, but to the many visitors who in the past have found it rather difficult to negotiate the ill-lighted ramp and subway.
MR. W. Macafee, the well known Wells Street tailor, has opened a gents Mercery Department, and is specialising in shirts, hats, socks, blazers, tennis and cricketing trousers, in fact anything pertaining to the wants of the up-to-date summer man.
Mr. Macafee, draws special attention to his large and varied stock of ready-for-service lounge and sports suits, which he is offering at prices which absolutely defy comparison.
MR. H. Stell, of the Peninsula Motor Garage, was fortunate in securing the local agency for the up-to-date “Overland”.
This car is the very latest word in motor car manufacture, a special feature being its Treplex springs, which, to use the words of the maker, “unslant the hills and level the road.” No longer need the prospective purchaser of a car experience the disadvantage of any limitations to his satisfaction.
The New Overland embodies the finest achievement in design and construction, including electric lighting and starting systems, and the complete equipment of all the latest style of accessories.
The Overland Service is at the disposal of every Overland purchaser, ready to advise you upon any question of the cars and operation of your car, and ensure its being available for service all the time. The price is £295, marvellously low for such a sterling car.
MR. J. Nott Marsh is spending a holiday at Kongwak, at his son’s residence.
MR. Les. Ward, of the Frankskton Railway Staff, has returned from his holiday, which, he informs us, was thoroughly enjoyed.
MR. and Mrs. P. S. McGovern and Mrs. Jacobs returned from a most enjoyable motor trip through Gippsland.
MR. W. E. Watktins has recovered from his recent severe attack of influenza, and is about again. Cricketers as well as his other numerous friends will be pleased to note this.
MR. W. H. Pike, a patient in Caulfield Military Hospital, for the past 12 months, the result of war injuries, has been allowed by his doctor a six weeks’ spell at Frankston.
His many friends join with us in wishing that the change will be of the greatest benefit.
IN the Prize List of the Geelong Grammar School, published in yesterday’s “Argus”, appears the name of Murray Maxwell, son of Dr. C. and Mrs. Maxwell, of Frankston. He obtained first prize in his Form (Lower IV) as the result of his first year’s work at the school.
MR. Casey, of the Pier Hotel, who had recently recovered from a severe illness, has, owing to the strain, been compelled to relinquish business. Accompanied by Mrs. and Miss Casey, he left Frankston yesterday, and after a few weeks’ rest will probably retire into private life.
MRS. Harry Golds is progressing favourably after her recent severe illness. Her many friends will be pleased to learn this.
AT Friday’s Council meeting, Cr. McCulloch inquired who gave authority for cutting ti-tree on Main Road, Seaford?
Cr. Armstrong: I did.
Cr. McCulloch said he would move that whoever gave authority be asked to pay for the work. It seemed to him that the business people of Seaford cut the scrub for their own benefit, and the general public were beginning to kick.
He was opposed to every “Dick, Tom, and Harry” being allowed to cut the ti-tree.
Cr. May objected to the expression.
He thought Cr: McCulloch should withdraw.
Cr. Armstrong explained that the electric light committee had recommended the cutting of the ti-tree referred to, as it obscured the electric light.
Seaford seemed to have one Councillor who was holding the place back. The people do not want the ti-tree in the main street.
The President: Quite enough ti-tree has been cut for the present.
Cr. Longmuir said the recommendation of the Electric Light Committee should have been confirmed by the Council before action was taken.
Cr. McCulloch: If this sort of thing is allowed Cr. Mason or other Frankston Councillors may order the removal of the pine trees in Bay Street.
Cr. Gray: Once down, they cannot be put up again.
Cr. Armstrong said that Mr. Quartermain, the electric light manager, had agreed with the committee that the scrub should be removed from the electric light pole.
It was agreed that committee recommendations should come before the Council for confirmation.
From the pages of the Frankston and Somerville Standard, 12 & 14 Dec 1923