Author: Liz Bell

EVERY fortnight at the Moorooduc Hall, the sounds of what could be mistaken for a large family celebration backed by live music ring from the quaint, red brick walls and fill the country air with happiness. These folk of all ages and backgrounds may not be related by blood, but they do share a bond over music and the restorative social, mental and health benefits it brings them.Although the Seaside Community Orchestra is still in its fledgling stage, after being founded by Mount Martha music lover Becca Smith and her daughter Jemima, 20, last October, the cohesion and energy of…

ORGANISERS of the ‘Peninsula Peace Walk for Palestine’ in Mornington last Sunday week (7 July) say the event turnout showed strong support for an end to the war in Gaza.One of the main organisers, Stefan Raabe, said the idea of the walk was to create access for people on the Mornington Peninsula who want to be involved in peaceful protest against the genocide and “apartheid”.“We planned the walk to coincide with the action that takes place each Sunday outside the State Library. Not everyone can travel into the city every weekend,” he said. More than 30 people joined the walk…

AN embarrassed Mornington Peninsula Shire Council has apologised to RSLs around the peninsula, after contractors failed to collect Anzac Day wreaths that were laid in April. Dromana RSL secretary Julia Edgerton said a kind volunteer was recently forced to remove and dispose of the sub branches’ wreath themselves, a task that is difficult for the mostly elderly volunteers, and costly for the RSL. “The wreaths should have been removed two months ago…I requested it be done as soon as possible, but they sent an email saying they couldn’t do it,” she said. “I checked on the council website and it…

INVESTIGATIONS are underway into the alleged the mutilation of a swamp wallaby and a kangaroo in the Balnarring and Somers areas. The Conservation Regulator has confirmed it has received reports of the animals being found on or around 24 June with limbs missing and mutilation injuries. The swamp wallaby was found in Coolart Reserve, Balnarring Beach, near the back gate to Balnarring Beach Road, while the mutilated kangaroo was found near South Beach Road, Somers. A spokeswoman for the Conservation Regulator said reports had been received of two separate incidents in the Balnarring and Somers areas involving the discovery of…

AFTER extensive and competitive trial processes two up-and-coming football players from Mount Martha Primary School have gained the attention of AFL and AFLW football selectors. Harry Pearce will wear the big V as part of the SSV AFL under-12 boys football team competing in the national championships in Geelong from 4 to 11 August.Pearce, who was selected from more than 900 boys across Victoria, is in his third season of football with Mount Martha Junior Football Club. Last year he finished second in the league’s best and fairest awards and second in the club’s best and fairest. The Carlton supporter’s…

MORNINGTON Peninsula Shire Councill will ramp up efforts to stem graffiti vandalism, as unsightly tagging continues to deface public and private buildings across the peninsula.At the end of July, the council will host a graffiti management workshop with stakeholders to identify graffiti issues across the peninsula and discuss mitigating graffiti through creative programs. A council spokesperson said graffiti was already “promptly” removed on shire assets, and the council actively encouraged graffiti to be removed from non-shire assets as soon as possible.For graffiti on non-shire assets the council recommends reporting it to the police, or when on public utilities (for example…

A MORNINGTON Peninsula Shire councillor is calling for “stakeholders” to band together in an effort to ensure government guarantees for the upgrade of Rosebud Hospital. Cr David Gill’s call comes in the wake of Health Ministers Mary‐Anne Thomas’s recent comments about the potential for hospital mergers across Victoria.Many regional hospitals are believed to be the target of strict government cost cutting measures, but smaller hospitals such as Rosebud could also be at risk of being targeted. Thomas has told Victorian health boards that no more money will be provided to health services other than what was allocated in the May…

THREE environmentally aware entrepreneurs with a shared vision are quietly spearheading an innovative ‘superfood’ business that is taking the culinary world by storm.Mornington Peninsula‐born entrepreneur Cameron Hines, who co launched his first business Mountain Goat Brewery in 1997 while in his 20s, started Southern Seagreens with his partners in 2022 with the grand vision of seeing seaweed products become a staple of every Australian pantry, and potentially feeding the world.The fledgling Dromana‐based business is just two years in, but its seaweed products are already being incorporated into the dishes of some of the best chefs in Victoria, including the team…

AROUND 250 people were evacuated from Yawa aquatic centre in Rosebud on Thursday (20 June) afternoon after alarms were triggered by a false reading of toxic fumes.The Carbons dioxide (CO2) alarms were triggered at the pool at around 4.45pm, with the management team then setting off the main emergency evacuation alarms. The centre and pool were immediately evacuated and patrons ‐ some still in swim wear ‐ waited outside wrapped in thermal blankets as emergency services checked the alarm system. No CO2 was detected by the firefighter team, but the centre remained closed for the night.A joint statement from Belgravia…

AROUND 150 community members packed a public meeting in Dromana on Thursday (20 June) to hear the latest on the proposed redevelopment of the BP in Safety Beach into a 24‐hour fast food/petrol complex. Much of the concerns centred on potential waste from the restaurant, which will be just metres from the foreshore, and the dangers of increased traffic and congestion.Despite the large turnout, which included Mornington Peninsula Shire councillors Antonella Celi and mayor Simon Brooks, it’s believed notices advising residents of the night meeting were not received by many households until the day of the meeting. Once underway, the…

PROPERTY owners have been connected with native vegetation on their properties through the 2023-24 Meet Your Bushland pilot program led by the Mornington Peninsula Landcare network and the Western Port Biosphere Foundation.The program, which included a walk-and-talk with a bushland restoration specialist, also provided the 26 landholders with a comprehensive report detailing the conservation values of their property and outlined the support mechanisms such as grants to aid in conservation efforts. The program finished on 2 June with a community event held at Carranya in Main Ridge, a property that has been undertaking successful restoration over several years. Biosphere spokesperson…

DOG ownership in Australia is at an all‐time high, with more than two million households getting a pooch since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. But with the increase in dogs comes the inevitable increase in dog‐related issues, such as lost dogs, barking dogs, naughty dogs, roaming dogs and bored dogs. Animal trainers say dog training has never been more important for both the enjoyment of the owner and the happiness and security of the dog.Mornington Obedience Dog Club secretary Irene Scott is one of the many volunteers from dog clubs around the Mornington Peninsula and Frankston who help to…

MORNINGTON’S not-for-profit hospital The Bays is closing its intensive care unit, prompting fears by some staff of job losses and a reduction in patient care. Whistleblowers believe the change in status from intensive care to “high dependency” was a decision made by the executive team and the board due to cost blowouts and will result in jobs losses, reduced patient care and moving some patients to other hospitals.It is believed the change in status means there will be no requirement to employ an intensive care unit doctor on site, with emergencies run by the critical care nurse working that shift.…

THE reality of life for people doing it tough can be unseen and unimaginable to those in warm homes and with food in the fridge.Georgia Hourn, CEO at Western Port Community Support ‐ the largest provider of emergency relief in the Western Port region ‐ said the centre was seeing a massive increase in people needing support. “We have just witnessed the worst six months on record in terms of demand in our agency’s 43-year history and we don’t expect things to improve any time soon,” she said. “But as an agency we are a strong team of five paid…

THE Wednesday market in Main Street, Mornington has drawn hundreds of visitors every week for close to 40 years but, like many businesses since COVID-19, it is feeling the pinch of post‐pandemic consumer habits. Organisers hope all that is about to change, with a renewed push to make the market great again and entice consumers back to Victoria’s longest‐running street market.Mornington Chamber of Commerce spokeswoman Alex Levy said the market had seen a change of faces in recent years, with some traders retiring or simply moving on, and consumers being more cautious with their cash. From its peak of around…

SOUTH East Water has apologised for its second sewer spill into a natural water course on the Mornington Peninsula in four weeks but says it has not found the cause. The first sewer spill into Tanti Creek on 5 May and was followed last Wednesday (5 June) by one that flowed down Balcombe Creek into the estuary at Mount Martha.The water authority has a sewerage treatment plant at the corner of Craigie Road and Moorooduc Highway, Mount Martha. Balcombe Creek runs through that property and the neighbouring, The Briars Park. People and animal owners were advised on Wednesday not to…

RESIDENTS who live near a flood–prone block of land for sale in Mount Eliza fear any development will exacerbate flooding issues and put their homes at risk.The block in Valley Court has been vacant since the early 1980s after a house on the site collapsed and had to be demolished due to flooding problems. The sloping block, which experts have confirmed has a creek bed running underneath it, was the subject of court cases involving Mornington Peninsula Shire Council, builders, and the then–owners of the site because of its instability. While the outcome of the legal challenges is unclear, the…

WHEN Blairgowrie woman Pippa McPherson became a new mum six years ago, the lack of training and job opportunities for young people on the Mornington Peninsula became much more of a reality for her family. But instead of expecting someone else to fix it, McPherson has taken steps to make a difference and is calling for volunteers to help her achieve her goals.While studying for her Bachelor of Counselling, McPherson is completing her work placement with the Rye Community House and has started a gardening club for young people that will hopefully lead to a mentoring program. “As a mum,…

THE families of two boys are fighting their expulsion from Peninsula Grammar for allegedly hacking into a computer at an unnamed Mornington Peninsula gym and logging into a porn site to film the receptionist’s reaction. The year 10 students are being asked to leave the school, but the families say they have been denied procedural fairness. The school has told parents that the incident, which took place on 12 April, should not be excused, with many in the community agreeing.Meanwhile, the board of Peninsula Grammar has appointed Leendra Turner to replace Stuart Johnston. Turner, a 30-year teaching veteran, is the…

HIKERS of all ages and from all walks of life enjoyed the spectacular coastal scenery of Mornington Peninsula last Friday (24 May) as they took part in Coastrek in support of the Heart Foundation.More than 2400 trekkers in various locations around the country participated in the 50km, 30km or 20km challenge to highlight the benefits of walking for heart health, while aiming to raise $800,000 in support of the Heart Foundation’s research into heart disease. Money raised will also support the foundation’s initiatives to end rheumatic heart disease in Australia – a preventable disease that is particularly prevalent in remote…

RESIDENTS pushing for a speed reduction on the four kilometres of Cape Schanck Road that runs between Boneo Road and the lighthouse will meet with the Mornington Peninsula Shire Council in a bid to enforce a 60kph limit.Resident Suzanne Vigenser, who lives on the road, said there was wide support to reduce the existing 80kph limit, which she said was “too dangerous” for road users and wildlife, with animals regularly hit and pedestrians put at risk. “Apart from the animals we see killed and injured, there are walkers who use the road and it’s really not safe because people drive…

A football governing body has frozen the bank accounts of Mount Eliza Junior Football Club and suspended all the club’s games at Emil Madsen Reserve amid committee resignations and allegations of misconduct.It is believed that the junior football club had by late last week failed to hold a special general meeting to resolve the committee problems, forcing the Frankston and District Junior Football League (FDJFL) to determine them non-compliant.While the allegations of misconduct remain unclear, a statement released last Wednesday (22 May) from the Mount Eliza Football Netball Club (MEFNC), which shares use of the Emil Madsen Reserve and drafts…

RESIDENTS have started a watchdog-style Facebook page focussed on “inappropriate” developments in the Mornington Peninsula’s green wedge zone.The Peninsula Green Wedge Protection Group. (PGWPG) was formed to oppose an application to build a $4.5 million Hindu temple on green wedge land in Pearcedale. That case is going to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal in September.The group, headed by Pearcedale resident Craig Gobbi, has now started a new social media campaign to highlight all inappropriate planning applications within the peninsula’s green wedge zoned areas. “We are now being contacted by more and more people and groups that are involved in similar…

SORRENTO Surf Life Saving Club will receive an extension to a $1 million grant for a new $5.5 million clubhouse, despite the club not yet having a land lease and there being a “risk” that the development will not go ahead.The club, built in 2002 to meet the then demand for life saving services, was first offered the money by Mornington Peninsula Shire Council in late 2021, but that two-year agreement expired because the club was unable to secure a lease with the land owner, Parks Victoria.The not-for-profit club, which will add the council cash to state government and philanthropic…

IT’S cold outside, and the perfect time to think about how the community can help others to stay warm, dry, and fed.Mornington Community Support Centre’s annual winter appeal has started with a target of $75000. The winter appeal, the support group’s major money-raising campaign of the year, will feature an event at Commonfolk Cafe in Progress Street, Mornington on Friday 21 June.This year MPCS is highlighting its Fresh Food Program partners – SecondBite, OZHarvest and Food for Change, who deliver fresh food each week that is either collected by people in need in the community or used to provide meals…

SCHOOLS are issuing warnings about whooping cough after a spate of cases in the Mount Martha area. It is understood there have been cases recorded at Balcombe Grammar and Mount Martha Primary School. There are fears that families may not be aware of the easy spread of the infection, which requires all sufferers to be on antibiotics for at least five days.In Victoria, children with pertussis (whooping cough) but who have not had the required antibiotic treatment must not go to primary school and children’s service centres for 21 days after the onset of the cough. Unimmunised contacts under seven…

PUBLIC comment is being sought on the future of Dromana, with the release of a draft plan. Feedback will provide input on the use and development of the Dromana and Arthurs Seat escarpment area and Parkdale/Hillview Community Reserve, to help with the management and masterplans, which are concurrently being prepared.The Mornington Peninsula Shire Council is looking for comment until Friday 21 June on the proposed overall vision for the greater Dromana area, as well as to inform the community about current, future and advocacy initiatives being for the area. Greater Dromana takes in the coast at the base of Arthurs…

MORNINGTON teenager Geena Davy won the under-18 women’s long jump championships with a 6.11 metre jump at the Australian Athletics Championships in Adelaide in April. It was a consecutive win for the 17-year-old Balcombe Grammar School VCE student who won the under-17 event in Brisbane last year and has been competing in athletics since she was 10.The Mornington Peninsula Athletics Club member has been winning medals at a national level since she was 13 and juggles her year 12 studies with three track sessions a week, and gym, daily stretching and recovery sessions.This schedule saw her fly in and out…

BEACH users moved by the high number of drownings on Mornington Peninsula’s notoriously dangerous back beaches have started a petition calling for “urgent action” to improve safety. The Mornington Peninsula Back Beaches Collective is directing the petition to Parks Victoria through Environment Minister Steve Dimopoulos, following a summer marked by drownings and water incidents.In February 20-year-old Cranbourne man and promising athlete Jona Kinivuwai was pulled out to sea by a rip while in the shallows at Rye back beach. His body has still not been found. One of the petition organisers, Rye surfer Drew Cooper, said it was another tragedy…

IT was a sight to behold for Kombi lovers and classic VW fans on Saturday (18 May), as more than 100 of the iconic vehicles were on display at Dromana 3 Drive-in.The car show was part of a celebration of the Kombi and a screening of the Kombi Man movie. The event was a sell-out, with about 150 people arriving for the display, live music, the movie screening (which included Bob Marley One Love) and the inspirational story of the Kombi Man told by film maker Jeff Bird and others.Kombi and “beetle” owner and organiser Amber-May Jukes said she and…