Browsing: Rosebud

AROUND 250 people were evacuated from Yawa aquatic centre in Rosebud on Thursday (20 June) afternoon after alarms were triggered by a false reading of toxic fumes.The Carbons dioxide (CO2) alarms were triggered at the pool at around 4.45pm, with the management team then setting off the main emergency evacuation alarms. The centre and pool were immediately evacuated and patrons ‐ some still in swim wear ‐ waited outside wrapped in thermal blankets as emergency services checked the alarm system. No CO2 was detected by the firefighter team, but the centre remained closed for the night.A joint statement from Belgravia…

STUDENTS at Our Lady of Fatima Parish Primary School, Rosebud, have been using their textile lessons to create an undersea wonderland.The completion of the colourful masterpiece, created with a lot of love and pricked fingers, is to celebrate World Ocean Day on 8 June. The school’s Dolphin Research Centre ambassadors are using the display to highlight the danger of foil plastic, which is commonly used as lolly or biscuit wrappers.Students learned that the inside of foil plastic packages is shiny silver and glitters like a fish and, when ingested by marine animals, causes illness and death. The students also produced…

SOUTHERN Peninsula Community Support centre director Jeremy Maxwell was last week visited by Rosebud police officers Sergeant Daniel Patton and Senior Constable Melissa Daly who wanted to hear about the centre’s work in supporting low income families and individuals.The support centre is one of three on the Mornington Peninsula dedicated to supporting people in need in a warm and non judgmental environment. The trained and experienced staff at the Rosebud based centre can help people in financial hardship with food vouchers, financial aid, pantry staples, fresh food bags, transport, medical needs and advice.To donate or support the centre call 5986…

POLICE have warned against vigilante-style retribution despite reports of increasing crime on the southern Mornington Peninsula.Residents fed up with the crime rate around the foreshore areas of Rosebud, Capel Sound and Tootgarook are calling for neighbourhood patrols. Reports from the community are coming in daily to The News and social media about thefts from cars, backyards and homes in the Rosebud, Tootgarook areas, with some posts showing video-evidence of the perpetrators. Several Facebook post are calling for community policing support.Security footage of a burglary in early April at Rosebud Bazaar captures an allegedly known offender in the store after hours,…

CAMPAIGNERS calling for upgrades to Rosebud Hospital say the state government’s focus on redeveloping Frankston Hospital is short sighted. A rally planned for this Friday (15 March) will put pressure on the government to commit money to upgrading the hospital.Ongoing pressure on the government to repair and upgrade Rosebud Hospital will focus on the catch cry of Frankston Too Far Away to highlight the difficulties for southern peninsula patients to access hospital care. Spokesperson and long-time health worker Sue Gilbert said the nearest major hospital from Rosebud was more than one hour away.“We will not let the government hand ball…

Mornington Peninsula Crime Investigation Unit detectives are appealing for public assistance to identify a male following an attempted armed robbery in Rosebud last week. Police have been told a male offender approached the 16-year-old victim near Olympic Park Reserve between Ashenden Square and Besgrove Street about 3.30pm on Friday 28 July. It is understood the offender produced a brown handled bladed knife and made demands for the victim’s mobile phone. The victim attempted to kick the knife from the offender’s hands and to defend himself punched the offender to his left eye/cheekbone and running to get help. The victim was…

A MORNINGTON Peninsula father who says his 13-year-old daughter was “physically and verbally” bullied at school is encouraging parents with concerns about schools to make a submission to the parliamentary inquiry into Victoria’s state education system. The man alleges most of the bullying incidents occurred last year at Rosebud Secondary College, and that the school’s “poor” response showed there was a culture of not taking bullying seriously and “victim blaming”. “As a parent I don’t believe the school has fulfilled its legal responsibility to provide a safe learning environment,” he said. The parent claims his daughter had been physically and…

THE spate of burglaries at schools on the Mornington Peninsula continues with three raided over the past week. Rosebud police believe there may be a link between two burglaries that occurred on the same night, at Boneo Primary School and Red Hill Consolidated School. Senior Constable Chris Zurek of Rosebud crime investigation unit said laptop computers were the target in both cases. Security alarms at Boneo primary went off about 1.40am on Wednesday 5 June. Three notebook computers were stolen from the administration area. Senior Constable Zurek said that there was no sign of a forced entry. A few hours…

SHIRE councillors have removed the Rosebud foreshore site as the preferred location for the Southern Peninsula Aquatic Centre (SPA). The move at Tuesday night’s council meeting reverses a decision made in March 2012. It was led by the shire’s youngest councillor, Andrew Dixon, who was elected to one of three seats in Briars Ward last October. The decision puts the inland site at Wannaeue Place (Rosebud Central shopping centre) on an equal footing with the foreshore site. Councillors will consider the two sites at a workshop on 23 July before again debating the long-running project at a subsequent council meeting.…

A BLUEPRINT to cope with climate change flooding in the Rosebud and McCrae area in the short term and over the next 90 years has been released. The Port Phillip Coastal Adaptation Pathways Program states the benefits of “occupying the hazard zone, deri­ved from its use by residents and busi­nesses, is valued at about $35 million a year between now and 2100” and Mornington Peninsula Shire should start spending money to adapt to pre­dicted sea level rise and significant flooding caused by extreme rainfall. The adaptation program studied four bayside areas – Rosebud-McCrae, Mor­di­alloc, Elwood and Southbank as well as…

CONTROLLED burns to reduce the risk of bushfires on French Island created a spectacular cloud formation late Saturday afternoon. From Rosebud the cloud appeared to be hovering over the top of Arthurs Seat and alarmed some people travelling across the peninsula toward Hastings until they saw it was emanating from fires on the island. The Department of Sustainability and Environment has earmarked 671 hectares on the island to be burned and locations including Clump Lagoon (70ha), near the airstrip (101ha), the cemetery (138ha) and McLeod West (362ha). Other burns are planned at Devilbend Natural Feature Reserve near Moorooduc (50ha), Arthurs…

TWO abalone poachers from the peninsula have been given prison sentences for trafficking a commercial quantity of the endangered shellfish. Last Friday in the County Court, Judge Mark Dean jailed Andrew Carpmael, 49, of Rosebud for 18 months with a minimum of nine months. Simon Hillman, of Rye, received a 12-month sentence suspended for two years. Each man pleaded guilty to one charge of trafficking a commercial quan­tity of abalone. The judge also banned the pair from having commercial abalone equipment, Carpmael for 10 years and Hillman for three. Hillman, a professional diver who works at Peninsula Hot Springs near…

TOWNS and suburbs on Port Phillip including Rosebud and McCrae could be submerged by coastal flooding combined with heavy rain events by the end of the century, says an unpublished confidential report. Port Phillip Coastal Adaption Pathways Program studied four bayside areas – Rosebud-McCrae, Mordialloc, Elwood and Southbank as well as a low-lying area in North Melbourne. The existence of the report was revealed after Mornington Peninsula Shire councillors held a private meeting on 24 September. This was after the public gallery was cleared at the end of the final public meeting before the council went into caretaker mode in…